1986年に設立されたLEADTEK Research Inc.は、世界的に有名なコンピュータおよびスマートメディカル(医療)の研究開発メーカーであり、NVIDIAの長期的なパートナーでもあります。「研究と革新、品質第一」という不変の信念を堅持し、GeForceグラフィックスカード、NVIDIA RTXグラフィックスカード、AIワークステーション、サーバー、AI管理ソフトウェア、デスクトップ仮想化ゼロクライアント/シンクライアント・ソリューション、スマート医療/ヘルスケア・ソリューション、ビッグデータ・ソリューションなどの製品を発表しています。
2022年にCommonwealth Magazine誌が実施した「台湾 トップ2000ランキング」の調査によると、Leadtekは2021年の一般製造業ランキングで「379位」にランクインし、目覚ましい成果を上げています。
NVIDIAの長期的なパートナー我々は、GPUおよびクラウドサービスの分野において「Leadtek」、「WinFast」という世界的に有名なブランドを確立し、多くの国際的な賞を受賞してまいりました。近年では、学術界やビジネス界におけるGPUディープラーニング環境の構築の支援に成功し、APAC地域におけるNVIDIA指定パートナーに招かれ、NVIDIAディープラーニングインスティテュート(DLI)を通じて共同でAI人材育成を実施しています。また、Leadtekは、Industry 4.0向けのGPU AIソリューションに加えて、病院や医療研究機関と協力してスマートメディカル(医療)・ソリューションを立ち上げており、医療画像処理・解析、医療情報解析、臨床データ解析などの分野で豊富な経験を有しています。
AIの活用とイノベーションLEADTEKは、人工知能、NVIDIA GPU、NVIDIA認定ワークステーションサーバー、そして長年蓄積した専門的な画像処理技術を組み合わせて、自動光学検査(AOI)に必要なAI開発・管理システム(AIDMS)を構築しました。AIDMSは、ノーコードのAI開発・管理プラットフォームで、AI導入のコストを大幅に削減し、プロジェクトの開発期間を短縮することができます。また、プロセスの自動化と標準化を実現し、AOI装置サプライヤーに様々な光学検査装置からの画像データの統合管理ソリューションを提供します。AIDMSは、堅牢なAIモデルの構築を支援し、装置のエラーを効果的に減らし、市場における製品の競争力を強化します。また、AIDMSは教育分野にも応用でき、教育環境の構築、研究論文、産学連携プロジェクトなどを加速させることができます。
USの業界や消費者ベースの研究を通して、Leadtekは新しい販売チャネルを開拓するだけでなく、US市場において「Made in Taiwan」の優れた製品を作る会社としてのイメージを強化します。
Leadtekは、アジア太平洋地域におけるNVIDIA社の主要パートナーで、プロフェッショナルグラフィックスカードとワークステーションソリューションの提供を専門としており、GeForceグラフィックスカード、RTXグラフィックスカード、AIワークステーションおよびサーバー、AIDMS AIビジョンテクノロジー、Omniverse Enterprise 3Dデザインコラボレーションソリューションなど、幅広い製品を提供し、お客様のさまざまなニーズにお応えしています。
Stakeholders | Degree of interest | Communication channels and frequencies |
Employee | Our company's operating profits all come from product innovation, and employees play the most important role in product innovation. |
Labour Conference (Quarterly) Staff Conference (Annual) Company suggestion box (any time) |
Customer | With the notion of customer first in mind, our company develops various products and services to help customers achieve success. |
Phone and Email (Daily) Customer Satisfaction Survey (Annual) Customer complaint processing pipeline (irregular) |
Supplier | Suppliers are important partners for our company's product development and mass production. |
Supplier audit (irregular) Complaint mailbox (any time) |
Investor | Shareholders and investors enable the company's sustainable development through capital investment and participation in corporate governance. | Annual General Meeting (every year) |
Government | We comply with the government's policies and regulations, and have been well guaranteed in terms of market development and foreign investment. | Market Observation Post System (any time) |
Community | Although our company is a for-profit corporation, it also cares about social responsibility and helps disadvantaged groups. | Participation in public welfare activities (irregular) |
Leadtek Research Inc.(以下「Leadtek」)のウェブサイトを通じて提出されたお客様の個人情報は本ポリシーに従い取り扱われますのでご了承下さい。
Health Keeperは、デバイスに接続するために低電力Bluetoothを使用する必要があります。Androidデバイスで位置情報のアクセス許可とバックグラウンドの位置情報のアクセス許可を取得する必要があります。HealthKeeperは位置情報データを使用または収集しません。
お客様はいつでもEメール(service@leadtek.com.tw)または郵便(18F., No.166, Jian-Yi Rd., Chung-Ho Dist., New Taipei City 23511, Taiwan, R.O.C.)によりLeadtekにコンタクトし、お客様の個人情報のアクセス、コピー、変更、アップデート、利用の停止または削除について請求することが出来ます。Leadtekはすみやかに返信および請求された内容に関する処理を実施し、必要な場合には処理に掛かった費用に関して合理的な範囲でお客様に請求をします。
麗臺科技依法規定晉用 1% 以上身心障礙人員及1% 以上原住民人員,且不僱用童工,並於企業守則明訂:「人力資源運用政策無性別、種族、社經階級、年齡、婚姻與家庭狀況等差別待遇,以落實就業、雇用條件、薪酬、福利、訓練、考評與升遷機會之平等及公允。」
採用勞工退休金新制之員工,依法規定每月提繳薪資 6% 至員工於勞工保險局之個人退休金專戶。
2023年度內、外訓課程共開辦85堂課,訓練總時數達 2,474 小時。
麗臺科技(LEADTEK Research Inc.)成立於1986 年,秉持誠信篤實的精神,堅持以「研究創新、品質至上」的信念提供消費者最完善的服務品質。
麗臺科技成立已超過30 年,長期專注於GPU 解決方案與雲端服務,在品質至上的圭臬之下,不僅通過嚴格的ISO-9001、ISO-14001、ISO-13485 等國際品質體系認證,並塑造出世界知名品牌-Leadtek、WinFast,並獲得多個國際獎項肯定,包含 iF、GOOD DESIGN、Red Dot 以及台灣精品獎等。
Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Annuals |
Meeting Notice | file |
Meeting Minutes | file |
Annual Report | file |
2024 | |
2023 |
Handbook for Shareholders' Meeting | file |
2024 | |
2023 2nd EGM | |
2023 1st EGM | |
2023 |
Video for Shareholders' Meeting | Video |
2024 |
List of Major Shareholders | file |
2024 |
Stock Dividends | Cash Dividends | Remuneration for Directors (NTD) |
Shareholders Dividend | Ex-Rights Trading Date | Employee Bonus |
Shareholders Dividends
(NTD/Share) |
Ex-Rights Trading Date |
Total Amount of Employee Bonus
(NTD) |
From Retained Earnings
(NTD/Share) |
From Capital Surplus
(NTD/Share) |
Number of Dividends
(Share) |
Amount of Dividends
(NTD) |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
The members of the company's board of directors are all prestigious figures in the industry. They exercise their powers with a high degree of self-discipline and prudence to safeguard the rights and interests of the company and shareholders.
Title | Name | Date Elected | Main Career Achievement |
Chairman | Lu, Kun-Shan | 2023/6/9 |
Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Chief Engineer, DFI Inc. |
Director | Ablecom Technology Inc. Representative: Liang, Jian-Fa |
2023/12/27 | Chairman, Ablecom Technology Inc. Director, Compuware Technology Inc. |
Director | Compuware Technology Inc. Representative: Liang, Jian-Da |
2023/12/27 | Chairman, Compuware Technology Inc. Director, Ablecom Technology Inc. |
Independent Director | Ho, Yao-Hung | 2023/6/9 |
Master, Industrial and System Engineering, Ohio State University, USA
Partner and Executive Vice President, KPMG Advisory Services Co., Ltd. Supervisor, Taiwan New Venture Association (on duty) |
Independent Director | Shen, An-Shih | 2023/6/9 |
Master, Statistics, Iowa State University, USA President, IBM Taiwan |
Independent Director | Liu Cheng | 2023/6/9 |
Master, Automatic Control Engineering, Feng Jia University President, Vivotek Inc. |
Independent Director | Liu, Ju-Chi | 2023/6/9 |
Medical Doctor, Taipei Medical University Associate Director, Shuang Ho Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare. |
To diversify policies, strengthen corporate governance, and facilitate the robust development of Board organization and structure, we adopt the candidate nomination system as stipulated in the Articles of Incorporation to nominate directorial candidates. After evaluating the educational attainment and work experience, professional background, integrity, and relevant professional qualifications of candidates and with the approval of the Board by resolution, these candidates will be nominated for election at the Meeting of Shareholders. Except for the chairman, no other Board members are officers of the Company. The composition of the Board is determined by taking diversity into consideration and formulating an appropriate policy on diversity based on the Company's business operations, operating dynamics, and development needs. The policy includes, but not limited to the following:
Core Diversity → Name ↓ |
Basic Composition | Professional Background | Professional Knowledge and Skills | |||||||||||||||
Nationality |
Gender |
Employee Status |
Age |
Service Length of Independent Director (less than 3 years) |
Accounting |
Industrial |
Finance |
Technology |
Operational judgment ability |
Business management ability |
Leadership ability |
Crisis management ability |
Industry knowledge |
International market perspectives |
51 |
61 |
71 |
Director |
Lu Kun-Shan |
The Republic of China |
Male |
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Ablecom Technology Inc. Rep:Liang Jian-Fa |
Male |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Compuware Technology Inc. Rep:Liang Jian-Da |
Male |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
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✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Independent Director |
Ho Yao-Hung |
Male |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Shen An-Shih |
Male |
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✔ |
Liu Cheng |
Male |
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✔ |
✔ |
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✔ |
Liu Ju-Chi |
Male |
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✔ |
1.Audit Committee
The Company's Audit Committee is composed of all independent directors, one of whom has accounting or financial expertise. The committee meets at least once every quarter. Matters considered by the Audit Committee include:
2.Salary and Remuneration Committee
The function of the salary and remuneration committee is to evaluate the salary and remuneration policies and systems of the company's directors and managers in a professional and objective position, and to make recommendations to the board of directors for reference in its decision-making. The members of this committee are appointed by a resolution of the board of directors. The number of members of this committee is three, and they are served by three independent directors of the company. The professional qualifications and independence of the members of this committee comply with the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of the Remuneration Committee's Terms of Reference. This committee meets at least twice a year.
1. Deployment of internal audit supervisors and personnel
Name | Title | Year-Month in | Year-Month on duty | Background | Master |
May Huang | Manager | 2005/9 | 2020/2 | Bachelor | Law |
2. Operation of Internal Audit
The purpose of internal audit is to examine and evaluate the effectiveness of the internal control system, measure the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, the reliability of financial reporting and compliance with relevant laws, and provide timely improvement suggestions to ensure the continued and effective implementation of various systems. Specifically, internal auditing helps the board of directors and managers achieve the company's established goals by examining, measuring, verifying, controlling and supervising the effectiveness of processes.
All the businesses that each organizational unit of the company is responsible for and all the businesses of subsidiaries with reinvested shares holding more than 50% of the shares.
In order to ensure the effective implementation of the company's internal control system, the audit office, before the end of each year, based on the characteristics of the nine cycles and ten management methods, and with reference to the regulations issued by the Securities and Futures Bureau to strengthen the focus of audits, the frequency and risk of each transaction of the company , formulate an annual audit plan. The audit content is based on the "internal control system" and the "internal audit system". It formulates the key points of the audit, prepares audit drafts and reports, and tracks the improvement of deficiencies of the audited units.
In order to ensure the effective implementation of the company's internal control system, the company's general manager or his authorized person shall designate the audit project, period and expected objectives, and the auditors shall complete the audit within the scheduled time. The audit content is based on the "internal control system" and "internal audit system", formulating the key points of the audit, and preparing audit drafts and reports.
Department | Duties and functions |
Internal Audit Office | Conduct internal audits, assist personnel of different departments to carry out their jobs and ensure job effectiveness, supervise the fairness of operations, processes, and systems. |
President's Office |
Determine and implement the direction of the Company's overall operations and shape the Company's market presence. Establish and manage intellectual property rights and take charge of corporate legal affairs. Implement various projects. |
Administration Division |
Administer matters relating to human resources, education and training, personnel administration, general affairs, and labor safety and health management. Plan and evaluate the Company's overall information equipment and application systems. |
Finance Division | Administer the Company's financial and capital analysis, planning, and utilization, receivable management, stock affairs, general accounting, cost accounting, finance statements, and budget planning. |
Computer Product Business Unit | Take charge of the sales, marketing, and R&D of the Company's computer products. |
Smart Health Product Business Unit | Take charge of the sales, marketing, and R&D of the Company's smart health products. |
Big Data Product Business Unit | Take charge of the sales, marketing, and R&D of the Company's big data products. |
Product Design Center | Take charge of the appearance design, mechanism development, hardware and software technology of products. |
R&D Engineering Division | Take charge of the R&D data and creative development and design of new products. |
Operations Division |
Administer the Company,s ingredient and material procurement and adjust the procurement strategies. Manage the Company's production and stock management and the production and manufacturing of products. |
Quality Operation Division |
Plan the Company's quality management system. Take charge of the establishment of product quality assurance system and corrective and preventive actions. Plan and implement the analysis, inspection, repair, and service of process nonconforming products and RMA products. |